10. Januar 2022Keine Kommentare

Game UX Summit 2021

I had the honour to join the "Ask us anything" session for the Game UX Summit 2021. In this session, I gave feedback to 2 selected students on their application (resume, portfolio) alongside other UX design specialists.

This year's UX Summit was offered as an online-only session for pandemic reasons. The Game UX Summit is organised by Celia Hodent, a Game UX Consultant and Game UX Summit Chair

Game UX Summit 2021

About the Game UX Summit:

” The Game UX Summit is the first professional UX event dedicated to the video game industry. Its purpose is to allow game user experience professionals and advocates to discuss the current state of UX in our industry, share best practices, and spread our love for science and compelling experiences. This summit brings together renowned speakers from various UX-related disciplines: Human Factors, Human-Computer Interaction, UX Design, User Research, Analytics, Business Intelligence, and more. “

13. September 2021Keine Kommentare

Interfaceingame Interview

Wrote a short article for the webpage www.interfaceingame.com a very cool resource website for a collection of video games interfaces. A great resource to explore and find inspiration for your designs.

It was also an honour to be included and interviewed alongside such great and experienced UX designers. Check out the other great designers on the site and of course use the site as your resource. By the way, a great private project that I am of course happy to support.

So in this interview I give some insights into how I’ve got into the game industry and how it is to work as a Lead UX Designer in studios like Electronic Arts or Ubisoft and gave some tips for people who wants to join the industry.

Interfaceingame interview with marc Sodermanns

26. Oktober 2020Keine Kommentare

Need for Speed Heat: Cross-Play

Worked as the Senior Experience Designer within Electronic Arts Ghost Team on EA’s first-ever cross-play title: Need for Speed Heat.

Get an in-depth understanding of how the we brought crossplay gameplay to EA’s ultimate street racer versus cop fantasy game.

9. April 2020Keine Kommentare

So kannst du Teil der Games-Branche werden + Tipps | Spieleentwickler, Designer und Co. erzählen

Did a short interview about how I’ve got into the game industry and some tips for people who wants to join. Have fun 😊 very nice project from Johanna Daher with friendly and passionate developers 😉

19. Januar 2020Keine Kommentare

Games Academy – Deine Dozenten

The Games Academy asked me for a (spontaneous) short questionnaire about my professional career path and some insights. Funny session.

4. September 2019Keine Kommentare

Tschö Germany! GamesWirtschaft Artikel

I did a short questionnaire for the games webmagazin “GamesWirtschaft” about leaving Germany as a development country and working abroad. I tell a bit about EA, Guildford and funny characteristics of England and their residents.

"Die Engländer verpassen keine Gelegenheit, um Schlange stehen zu können." Hat zumindest Marc Sodermanns beobachtet, der bei Ghost Games EA im englischen Guildford an "Need for Speed Heat" mitarbeitet. Episode 9 unserer Auswanderer-Serie "Tschö Germany":

Hier geht es zum vollständigen Artikel

23. Juni 2017Keine Kommentare

BIU Academy Online Seminar Topic: “Don´t make me think – UI Design in videogames”

What defines good UI design in video games? How did it evolve over time? And what significant procedures and steps are there in terms of platforms, genre and design?

Articel in MakingGames magazin about my webinar about UI Design in videogames

Articel in Making Games Magazin about my webinar "UI Design in videogames"

Facebook notification BIU Webinar UI Design in videogames

BIU Academy is a series of practical webinars for developers, entrepreneurs and other interested parties which is offered in partnership with Making Games. This training programme does not require participants to travel, and it covers all the relevant aspects of developing and marketing digital games. Game industry experts give lectures on topics like game design, business models, internationalisation, legal issues or marketing, and they respond to audience questions.

12. Dezember 2016Keine Kommentare

Gaming für den guten Zweck

Sieht gut aus, macht Spaß und unterstützt fast nebenbei einen guten Zweck: Warum mit „Flappy Angel“ in diesem Jahr ein Engel für die Kunden von Palmer Hargreaves die Weihnachtsgrüße überbringt. Und warum auch B2B-Kunden Spaß am Spielen haben.

Das Gespräch mit unserem Art Director Marc Sodermanns über Spenden, Spaß und Strategie finden Sie hier.

Flappy Angel, Gaming for a good cause
Flappy Angel on iPad
Flappy Angel on Mobile